Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Baby BOY!

On October 20, 2008 at 9:18pm we welcomed Noah Touchet as the newest addition to our family. Noah weighed 9lb 7oz and was 22.5" long, what a big boy!!! This is especially surprising seeing that we aren't big people at all.

Noah's due date was the 22nd, but the doctor thought we should induce labor to avoid potential problems that run in the family. From the moment mom was issued pitocen to when we held Noah in our arms was almost exactly 12 hours. Mom had an epidural after dilating to 5cm and wanted the pain to subside enough to think about what was going on. Upon receiving the epidural she was an entirely different person and wanted to watch Monday night football. Mom was in active labor for about 1 hour and 45 minutes until we held him in our arms.

We saw his head crown and the OB couldn't understand why he wasn't coming out. After a little help his head came out and then the room got very serious. Noah got stuck. The emergency nurses were called, the OB gave orders to help, and Momma Nash & I comforted Mom as she was put through pain even though she had an epidural. The emergency nurses pushed on mom's tummy while the OB pulled and voila, he was out. There was an extra concern because he took a few moments to cry, but before too long he gave out a yelp and the nurse announced, "It's a boy!" We sobbed with thankfulness and joy for his safe arrival. I am overwhelmed with the strength Noah's mom contains, I respect her greater and differently now. What a tremendous experience and miracle. WOW!

We held Noah, took photos, and called the family to share the news. I exclaimed to everyone that called that despite being his daddy, he's a handsome baby. I (daddy) went to witness Noah's first bath and foot prints. He was not happy at all. He cried and cried, but gave attention when he heard my voice. That was awesome! When we reunited him back with his mom she spoke softly to him and we both shared our love for him. He was calm in his mommy's arms, it was like he was listened intently knowing that we were his parents. We stayed in the hospital for 2 days as mom was coached about feeding and we watched over him as he slept in our room in a bassinet.

We were visited by several loved ones from church and friends from work, etc. The support we received from these great people was/is greatly appreciated, thank you. Each person agreed with our proud remarks that he is a handsome boy. Take a look for yourself.

Noah is now 1 week new and has proven to be a handful for us both. He's not sleeping as much or when we'd like him to, but he's worth it ten folds. Noah is constantly changing, I take photos of him when ever I can without bugging him too much.

We are so proud to be parents and to have this little miracle as our own. Just like we've all been told...I never said it would be easy, I said it would worth it. Noah certainly is worth it.

We're glad he's here.

All for now, 'till next time...good night.